elop*8 Coaches


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM, Mexico
Architecture, Campus Querétaro | www.itesm.edu

Rodrigo Pantoja Calderon / Architect, Director of School of Architecture
rpantoja (at) itesm.mx

Lead, Coordination, Co-Organization
Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Switzerland
Architecture Wood and Civil Engineering (AHB) | www.ahb.bfh.ch/elop

Guy Lafranchi / Professor of Architectural Design
guy.lafranchi  (at ) bfh.ch

Kathrin Merz / Architect ETH SIA, Research Associate
kathrin.merz (at) bfh.ch

Key Portilla Kawamura / Architect AA Dip, Research Associate
key.kawamura (at) bfh.ch

Maria Solovjew / MA /Service & Strategic designer, Assistant
maria.solovjew (at) bfh.ch


Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Construction Engineering and Management | www.uni-weimar.de

Hans-Joachim Bargstädt / Dr. -Eng. , Professor of Civil Engineering
hans-joachim.bargstaedt (at) uni.weimar.de

Jenny Rütz / Dipl.-Eng.

Bangor University, North Wales, UK www.bangor.ac.uk

Andy Goodman / PhD, MA RCA, MSc, BEng
andy.goodman (at) bangor.ac.uk

John Parkinson / Head of School of Psychology
john.parkinson (at) bangor.ac.uk

Cologne University of Technology, Art and Sciences, Germany
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Institute for Technical Building services

René Cousin / Dr. -Eng, Professor
rene.cousin (at)fh-koeln.de

Katharina Pucher / Research Associate & Associate professor
katharina.pucher (at)fh-koeln.de

Herbert Schubert / Prof. Dr.phil Dr.rer . hort.habil
herbert.schubert (at) fh-koeln.de

Haute Ecole du Paysage, d‘Ingénierie et d‘Architecture Geneva, Switzerland
Landscape Architecture | http://hepia.hesge.ch

Nathalie Mongé / Architect D.P.L.G, Research Associate
nathalie.monge (at) hesge.ch

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM, Mexico
Civil Engineering, Campus Guadalajara | www.itesm.edu

Rodrigo Ochoa Jurado / Architect Urbanist, Professor
rodrigoo (at) itesm.mx

Politecnico di Milano
Scuola di Architettura e Società | www.polimi.it

Fabrizio Leoni / Architect PhD Politechnico di Milano, Assistant professor of Architectural and Urban Science
fabrizio.leoni (at) hotmail.com

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