Monday, November 9, 2015

Reality Check

Interviews with inhabitants of La Otra Banda (please fallow the link below): 


NGO T.E.P.E.: the only non-profit organization that take care of the children in La Otra Banda. The children can visit and stay at the organization for free. Their goal is to increase the quality of life for children who come from poorer families in the neighborhood. The center is open in the morning hours because it wants to aim children who go to school in the afternoon (usually a sign of lower class). It has already many projects that involve not only the children from La Otra Banda but also their mothers. Once a month they organize meetings for the mothers, where they can meet each other, talk about their problem, etc. T.E.P.E. can be found near the train station, in the living room of La Otra Banda.

Where: Pop up Park in the living room, street art events for children, local newspaper: topics → Family and Education, Health and Sexuality, Community Bank

Families (people of La Otra Banda): from the statistic gather in La Otra Banda, we can tell, that women are in slight majority in this city quarter. In the living room of La Otra Banda the proportions between male and females are almost equal, however women tend to be in slight majority.
The children are huge group of the inhabitants in La Otra Banda. The citizens in age from 0 to 17 constitute over 65 percent of all inhabitants in this city quarters. People in productive age (from 18 till 64) constitute only around 20 percent while elderly around 15 percent. From those statistic we can tell that children with their families (and most important mothers) are very important stakeholders in the region.
From the statistic we also find out that most of the people in La Otra Banda (around 60 percent) is working and another 5 percent are actively looking for a job. Big percent of the inhabitants in La Otra Banda in the statistics is marked as occupationally inactive (around 35 percent). To this group can belong the elderly who reached their retainment age and most probably women – mothers, who decided to become stay home mothers and take care of their children or have unregistered occupation, e.g. selling newspapers, cleaning cars, etc.

Where: everywhere, elect council of inhabitants for Community Bank

La Jabonara: design firm which headquarters near the train station, in the living room of La Otra Banda. They cooperate with the community and IMPLAN and are witnesses to the slow transformation the the neighborhood.
Where: Local newspaper of La Otra Banda: topics: Changes and Events in La Otra Banda, new architectural designs, Community Bank

IMPLAN: the Municipal Institute of Planning of Queretaro. It is a public organization which describes its aim as sustainable planning and developing of La Otra Banda, taking into account economic, environmental and social factors.
Where: new architectural designs

Culture Center La Via: opened in 2012. It offers variety of free of charge activities, e.g. painting, dancing, yoga and meditation. Over 350 inhabitants of La Otra Banda are attending the coursers in La Via.
Where: main actor of local newspaper (coordination): topics → Changes and Events in La Otra Banda, Community Bank

Train station: because there are no passenger trains to Queretaro those days, the train station has become museum of the train transport. Moreover it organizes some activities for locals like dance lessons on Friday and Saturday evening.
Where: pop up park, street art events, local newspaper: topics → culture

Schools: there are many schools collected around north entrance to La Otra Banda. The schools include primary and secondary school with many children.
Where: pop up park in the north entrance of La Otra Banda, local newspaper: topic → Family and Education. 

Community Bank in La Otra Banda: 
The goal of the community bank is to promote the development of low income areas through ensuring micro-credits for local production and consumption with low interest rates and no requirements for registration, proof of income, or guarantor, (the neighbors guarantee the borrower's reliability). Its mission is also to provide access to banking services to residents of poorer communities who generally would not otherwise have access to them in traditional banks, based on lack of credit history or financial collateral and/or physical distance.

How would the community bank contribute to the development in La Otra Banda?
The community bank would contribute to the economical development by issuing micro credits with low payment interest rates to business owners and other inhabitants. The credits could be issued in official currency of Mexico or local currency (it could be called e.g.: “Mi Barrio”), which circulates only within La Otra Banda and only there can be spent. The aim of the local currency is to make the money circulate in the community, thereby expanding the power of local commerce, increasing circulating wealth in the community, and generating both employment and income. This development must be autonomous, from within, otherwise, it will not be sustainable. One unit of local currency would be equal to one real Mexican peso, and both currencies could be exchanged freely at any time. To encourage people to take a loan in local currency rather then the official one, the micro credits in local currency could have lower interest rates and more flexible payment conditions. Moreover there could be created arrangements with for local merchants in order to give incentives, e.g. discounts to consumers who use the local currency.
By enabling people to easy credits more business and jobs could be created around La Otra Banda.

Possible forms of micro credits:
1. Credit for local businesses
For the improvement or creation of both formal and informal small businesses in La Otra Banda.
2. Instant credit
Instant credit” allowing the creditor to benefit from the day-to-day opportunities the community market has to offer.
3. Credit for home renovation
Instant credit for the purpose of home renovation.
4. Environmental micro credi
Credit given to people who want to start with the waste management.

Who would open and run community bank in LOB?

Community bank in La Otra Banda would be managed by community organizations (associations, councils, forums etc.) and other types of civil society initiatives that are recognized within the community, such as unions, NGOs, and churches. With the help of already existing NGOs and social organizations in La Otra Banda, the first community bank in La Otra Banda could be created. Its management would involve components of local social control and direct democracy. There should exist three councils which would control and manage the bank.

How to finance the community bank?
The bank could operate on the bases of the real bank. It would be possible to open an account and the money sored in the accounts could be used as a loans to the business owners or other inhabitants of La Otra Banda. The money made from the in the interest rates on loans re-payments can be use to pay for the building the bank is in and wages for its employees. 

Time line:
Step 1.: Existing NGOs and organizations in LOB decide to lunch the community bank.
Step 2.: The organizations make the community meeting, where they inform the inhabitants about the idea for community bank and explain how it will work.
Step 3.: Small private donations are collected in order to rent and renovate the building for the bank.
Step 4.: The councils of inhabitants, small business owners and non-profit organizations are chosen to manage the community bank.
Step 5.: Inhabitants of La Otra Banda open their bank accounts in the community bank.
Step 6.: The bank starts giving the micro loans to the people of La Otra Banda.
Step 7.: Old businesses develop, new ones are created.

 Newspaer "Mi Barrio es tu casa"

Where would the newspaper operate?
Newspaper office will be placed in one of the abandoned buildings near train station and train tracks. This place will be used not only as a newspaper office but also as a meeting point where people can exchange their ideas, propose new events and talk about their needs and wishes.
In the future in the newspaper building cam be created community library and rooms for workshops.
The renovation of the building can be finance from the loan received from the community bank as well as public donations of the people of La Otra Banda.

Time line:
Step 1.: La Via lunches Facebook page
Step 2.: La Via and other organizations in LOB use Facebook and posters to inform the public about the changes and events in the neighborhood.
Step 3.: Inhabitants start using Facebook page to communicate with each other and express their opinions and wishes about and for the changes in the neighborhood.
Step 4.: La Via talks to other organizations in LOB and get them involved and excited about the idea of lunching local newspaper and website. The proper steps are being taken in order to receive a credit in the community bank for renovation of the abandoned building near train station, which will become the newspaper office.
Step 5.: La Via together with other organizations lunches local newspaper and website.
Step 6.: Next to Facebook and posters, the newspaper and website are be used to in inform general public about the changes and events. The other topics like education, health, environment, etc. become also the important part of the newspaper. Every inhabitant is informed that he/she can become the writer for the newspaper. The open letter section is lunched.
Step 7.: People start using the spaces of the newspaper office as a meeting and information point. People begin writing for the newspaper.


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