Elop Timeline
Over the past years, elop* the learning and teaching platform for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration has grown considerably in focus and in scope. The elop* idea was initiated by Peter Bölsterli and Christoph Holliger and is now lead by a new team consisting of Key Portilla Kawamura and Kathrin Merz.
Over the past years, elop* the learning and teaching platform for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration has grown considerably in focus and in scope. The elop* idea was initiated by Peter Bölsterli and Christoph Holliger and is now lead by a new team consisting of Key Portilla Kawamura and Kathrin Merz.
elop* has been engaged since its outset in 2009 in complex tasks that can only successfully be tackled by multi-disciplinary teams. After 7 editions that have taken place in Switzerland (4x), China, Germany, and USA, in 2015 elop* travels to Mexico. Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus Querétaro, an elop*alliance partner, has taken the initiative to organise elop*8.
The elop* alliance continues to grow and now includes representatives from the disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, construction management, building technology, landscape architecture as well as social sciences, all enrolled in the partner universities (Bauhaus University Weimar, Prifysgol Bangor University, FH Cologne, Polytech’Marseille, Politecnico di Milano, HEPIA Geneva and Stanford University).
For a look at previous elop* projects please see the links bellow.
elop* 1 - Human Centred Medicine
elop* 2 - The Kitchen Project
elop* 3 - 50m for Basel
elop* 4 - 7x24x52 Water&Ice
elop* 5 - Learning Environments - Campus Cologne
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