Monday, October 19, 2015

02 Intuition - Jalapeño

After inquiring, investigating and meet more about " La Otra Banda ", we realized that there are major problems in terms of the diversity of existing programs in the area there is a diversity of service; but people do not go to them because a sense of belonging or identity to their neighborhood remaining in a cluster without any kind of interaction with people from other neighborhoods.  However they have social meeting points like Alcanfores park, the Tepe market and the old train station.

Establishing a project on different scales according to the area, as well as planning for the short, medium and long term for its implementation; all this based on the combination of three strategies “Connection Points”, “Create a Network” and “The Heart of Darkness”.The  key of this project is " the use of land and abandoned homes " - revitalizing these areas in a first stage as enhancing social interaction through public utility services, community spaces, eco -boxes ( service of electricity, water , urban agriculture) that fit the space and needs of the inhabitants.

After the interventions on the abandon spaces, the process is raised to medium-term revitalization of public spaces as the Tepe market, the Alcanfores  park and the old train station turning them into mixed-use spaces in which converge all areas of interaction that are in area to the creation of a social network.

Finally, as with the social, cultural and economic development of the area with these small interventions, on a larger scale it arises " allow the city to know la Otra Banda" based on the metaphor "The Heart of Darkness" which makes resemblance to a river that is leading travelers to the depths of the jungle to get to know and realize the value of a place. Applying this concept to the area by the renewing of one of the streets that connect Universidad Avenue with the Tepe market having spaces for cultural expression on different days throughout the week, allowing visitors to learn more the area and go deeper into the "La Otra Banda" to get to know the place, identity, tradition and social and cultural variety.  

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