Wednesday, September 16, 2015

5.1 Alcanfores Park

Alcanfores is the only large park in the area. It was built in the late 1980s as a response to the social housing projects that needed green spaces.

The park's access is limited to the public because its surroundings are fenced. Very few people visit the site; mainly young parents with small children and elderly citizens who exercise in the mornings.

This area was originally agricultural productive land. Ironically, the majority of the vegetation today is not native plants. 

Alcanfores Park
The actual park is made up two areas divided by the train tracks. The large portion in the North measures about 80,000m2 and the South park 27,000m2. A long time ago, there was a bridge that united the two areas. Now, these two have no connecting points. A road crosses through both parks linking the downtown area with several traditional neighborhoods to the North.

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