Wednesday, September 16, 2015

5.4 Abandoned Buildings

Abandoned Buildings
It is estimated that there are about 200 abandoned buildings in downtown Querétearo. About 60 of them are found around in the Tepetate area and La Otra Banda. Most of the buildings in the Historical Center are protected by the National Institute of Anthropology, while others are in a decaying state.

Many abandoned buildings are small properties that are becoming a problem in their neighborhoods. Some of these places end up with broken windows, graffiti or invaded by intruders.

Many buildings could be restored and reused or retrofitted for different purposes. Since there is a lack of public spaces, some scholars have suggested the creation of small community areas for social interaction. Other people have suggested the creation of affordable housing since most people have to find inexpensive home in the suburbs; far from schools and job opportunities.

Unless designers, government officials, scholars or neighbors decide to create sporting areas, public spaces, community gardens or collective housing, most likely the abandoned buildings will continue to decay and create a more depressed neighborhood.

Abandoned Buildings

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